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Web Site PolicyThis site uses simple code, light on graphics, mostly text, with no fancy interactive javascript applications or the like. In other words, we hope it is interesting for its content. One reason is that this type of site is fast-loading, which makes it accessible to people with older computers, slower modems, and flaky dial-up connections. Noisy phone lines, common in some of the poorly-maintained neighborhoods of Detroit, can make a modem operate much more slowly than it does with a good connection. A text oriented site is also accessible to people who are blind or visually impaired. We will identify the graphics that we do use. The second reason is that, once it is set up, it can be maintained by almost anybody in the organization, with minimal practice. In this case, the Green party local is not dependent on one or two people with technical skills. It is a way of practicing democracy. All original materials on the web site are permitted to be freely copied and redistributed for any personal or non-commercial use, provided that copies and derivative works retain this same permission. This practice (copyleft) started with the free software movement, but can be applied to any original work that could be copyrighted. Worthwhile material re-published on this site from other sources is not affected by our "copyleft" policy. Each member of the Metro Detroit Greens has a right to be heard on this web site. Signed articles of reasonable length may be sent to the web manager to be formatted for presentation, and will become part of the site, but will be removed if the organization so votes in meeting. Comments from non-members may also be published here. The content of signed articles are the responsibility of the author. Unsigned articles have been presented to the organization and have its approval. Material re-published on this site from other sources is by permission of the author. (If it came to us in the form of a press release, we assume permission to re-publish is implied by the fact that it is a press release.) This web site was created on Thursday, August 10, 2000, and then entirely overhaould on December 10, 2000. Some of the pages are minimal at first. It is not possible to have loads of great stuff from day one. The content changes as circumstances do, and to some extent, the worthwhile content accumulates while the chaff blows away. Over time, it should get better. We hope it becomes a useful resource. Check back for new items. We expect to be adding and updating frequently, especially at first. If you don't like what is there, then show how to improve it. If you don't like what is missing, then create it. Your comments and contributions are wanted. Art Myatt, or Lou Novak, web managers for Metro Detroit Greens. |
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