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LinksCleaned up and reorganized January 27, 2001. Know of a link you would like to see here? Send us a note with the URL (and maybe a short description).Green PartyNader 2000 (We know the campaign is over, but the campaign highlights are still available here.) Speaking of campaign highlights, the speech that Ralph Nader gave to the Economic Club of Detroit on October 10 is available from C-Span. Just enter "Nader" as the search term, and you will get a list of Nader's speeches, including this one, which you can view. The format is low-quality streaming video with a passably clear audio portion. I couldn't find a text version. If anybody is willing to transcribe the speech, please send me the text. Keep in mind he is talking to a room loaded with auto company executives when he tells them they should be sent to jail for corporate crimes. Ain't it cool? Nader's Post-election Analysis (With a good deal of emphasis on the role of the commercial press, both print and broadcast, in shaping and controlling the presidential election.) 10 Things Wynona LaDuke Brings to the Green Party (The page of a California Green who has collected a great deal of information about Wynona LaDuke.) The Green Party of Michigan (Go here for up-to-date information on Green Party contacts throughout Michigan.) Greens/Green Party USA (The more "philosophical" national Green organization.) Association of State Green Parties (The more election-oriented national Green organization.) Green Stuff
Greendot - Gossip for Greens / Things That Matter Goods for Greens (A Canadian source for 100% hemp hats, bumper stickers, buttons, posters.) Northern Sun Merchandising (Their "Anti-Bush" section has a bumper sticker saying, "Don't blame me - I voted for Nader.") Iron on decals for Nader t-shirts (free download and instructions) Issues and OrganizationsThe Detroit newspaper official boycott is over, but the labor - management goes on. You can keep track at www.unioneyes.com or www.Detroitguild22.com Great Lakes Radio Consortium (A good source for regional environmental news.) Envir-Mich e-mail listserver (Another good source for regional environmental news.) Environmental News Service (A good source for world and notional environmental news.) Earth Action (To give you the flavor of the group, Leonardo DiCaprio speaks out against global warming.) National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) American Civil Liberties Union The Michigan Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union
The National Lawyers' Guild
Independent Progressive Politics Network Center for Voting and Democracy Michigan Universal Health Care Access Network Physicians for a National Health Program Teamsters for a Democratic Union Sweatshop Watch (A source of many anti-sweatshop links.) National Labor Committee (A New York anti-sweatshop group.) California Nurses Association (Early endorsers of Ralph Nader for President.) Downwinders (A support and protest organization for families of radioactivity victims who lived downwind of America's nuclear test sites in Nevada and elsewhere.) PublicationsThe Nando Times (No frames version.) A list of liberal alternative media from Looksmart Public Relations Watch (Strictly speaking, an organization, but listed here under publications because the book Mad cow USA: Could the Nightmare Happen Here? is available as a free PDF downlad.) Green Left Weekly (Out of Australia.) Rachel's Environment and Health Biweekly (An outstanding resource for science fact and analysis.) The Heat is On (An excellent source of information about global warming.) Amazing NASA Photo of Earth at Night (A composite of course, because it is never actually night across the whole Earth at once. It is a big picture and a long download for a slow modem, but worth it.) A Little HumorTom the Dancing Bug (Almost always political.) Calvin and Hobbes (Not always political, but who cares?) Michael Moore (Not always funny, but who cares?) Billionaires for Bush or Gore (a parody of Republicrat supporters) Useful Links for Policy WonksThomas - U. S. Congress on the Internet has the full text and current status of bills under consideration in Congress. This web site is run by the Library of Congress. It also has links to the offices of the President and Senators and Representatives. Michigan State Legislature, just in case you would like to contact a State Senator or Representative. |
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