Matthew Abel
Green Party Candidate for U.S. Senator, Michigan
I seek election to the United States Senate to promote Green values,
- Nonviolence:
Redirect foreign policy to reduce conflict worldwide.
Rather than protecting American oil and mineral interests abroad, work for
peace, slash military & CIA funding; end Iraqi/ Cuban sanctions; respect
other nations,and sovereignty. Eliminate funding for
fraudulent missile defense system. Sign Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. End
death penalty. I support the Second Amendment, and rights of native peoples
to hunt and fish as guaranteed by treaty. Require instant background checks
for handgun sales.
- Ecological wisdom:
Strengthen OSHA, improve workplace environment.
Strengthen Clean Water & Endangered Species Acts; raise fees for
grazing/logging/mining rights on federal lands; no clear-cutting or
old-growth logging; stop urban sprawl; respect global
warming treaties; reduce oil dependency, mandate greater vehicular
efficiency; replace coal/nuclear with clean energy; promote bike paths, mass
transit. Assess additional taxes against polluters to pay for cleanup of
pollution they generate. End hemp prohibition. Stop
the war on "soft" drugs
- Grassroots Democracy:
Publicly financed federal elections, instant
runoff voting, and proportional representation for greater diversity
(racial, religious and economic) among elected officials.
- Community-based Economics:
Fair Trade requires living wages, worker
health and safety. Promote renewable energy. Local production of
food/clothing/shelter. Immediate withdrawal from WTO, GATT, NAFTA. Subject
trade treaties to strict human rights, labor, and environmental standards.
Repeal Taft-Hartley. Tax cuts for middle class and
the poor; increased capital gains tax; eliminate FICA cap. End
corporate welfare. The best single thing we can do to stimulate the economy
is to pay down the national debt.
- Social Justice, Feminism; Women's Equality, Respect for Diversity:
Support woman's right to choose. Support Affirmative Action. Equal pay for
equal work. End racial profiling. Full funding of WIC, HeadStart. Double
minimum wage with exemptions for small
businesses. Free universal health care.
Matthew Abel
e mail: abel4senate@yahoo.com
22757 Woodward Ave.
Suite 240
Ferndale, MI 48220
800 680-2235